Military Environmental Exposures Level 1 Certification Program
Military Military Environmental Exposures
Image For Activity Cover
6 Courses
Credit Offered
No Credit Offered
Thank you for enrolling in the Military Environmental Exposure Level 1 Certification. Welcome! Here you can upload certificates for Modules 1-5 and take the certification exam. Please use the following steps to obtain certification:

1. Complete courses 1-5 on the TMS or TRAIN website. Links to the courses are posted below.
2. Download each course certificate in a PDF format.
3. Upload each certificate to the corresponding module in this course.
4. Once you have submitted all certificates, and the certificates have been approved, you will be able to access the course exam.
5. Complete and pass the exam with a score of 80% or above. You will have three (3) attempts to take the exam.
6. Complete the course evaluation.
7. After all outlined requirements are complete, you will be able to download your certificate.
8. The certificate can also be accessed on the ACPM Learning Management System homepage at via "Transcripts" on the left side of the page.

Please contact Erin Nichols, with any questions regarding the steps outlined above.

American College of Preventive Medicine
1200 First Street NE, Suite 315 - Washington, DC 20002
202-466-2044  ·

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