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Fundamentals of Occupational Medicine: Board Review Course 2023
Session Title
Fundamentals of Occupational Medicine (Recording)
Session Abstract
This is the recording for Fundamentals of Occupational Medicine as part of the Core Content
John Meyer John D Meyer MD, MPH is Professor of Environmental Medicine and Public Health, Interim Director of the Division of Occupational Medicine, and Director of the Occupational Medicine Residency Program at the Selikoff Center for Occupational Medicine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. He also serves as Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Industrial Medicine. Dr. Meyer received his MD from Cornell University Medical College in New York, and MPH from the Boston University School of Public Health. His research focuses on reproductive hazards and risks for low birth weight and prematurity, with a focus on the psychosocial hazards of work, and health disparities in minority populations arising from work characteristics. He has been the PI on several grants from NIOSH and NICHD investigating occupational characteristics and their link to adverse pregnancy outcomes. He established a consultation service in occupational and environmental reproductive hazards for working pregnant women, and developed guidance documents on environmental reproductive hazards, including the nail salon and beauty industry, for pregnant women and obstetricians. Dr. Meyer has served on the NIOSH Study Section for Occupational Safety and Health, the NBME/USMLE Epidemiology and Biostatistics Committee and as president of the Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics (AOEC). For his work in multidisciplinary teaching of residents, promotion of OM resident research, and his research activities in reproductive health and occupational social disparities, Dr. Meyer was awarded the ACPM "Rising Star" award in 1998 and the ACOEM Centennial Award for Education and Research in 2016.
Availability: On-Demand
Expires on Aug 21, 2026
Cost: Non-Member: $135.00
Student/Resident Member: $105.00
ACPM Subscriber: $105.00
Member: $105.00
Credit Offered:
3 CME Credits
3 COP Credits

American College of Preventive Medicine
1200 First Street NE, Suite 315 - Washington, DC 20002
202-466-2044  ·

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