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Board Review Course 2024: Biostatistics (Slides)
Session Title
Biostats (Slides)
Session Abstract
This is the slides for Biostatistics as part of the Core Content

Dr. Waalen, is Senior Scientist and Co-Director of Biostatistics at the Scripps Research Translational Institute where she has conducted research in genetics and digital medicine and served as a statistical consultant, resulting in more than 120 peer-reviewed publications. In addition, Dr. Waalen is Director of the General Preventive Medicine Residency Program at the University of California San Diego/San Diego State University (SDSU) and Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Public Health at SDSU. She has held several leadership positions within ACPM, including Regent on the Board of Regents, chair of the Board Review Course and director of the national In-Service Examination and received the College’s Distinguished Service Award in 2010. She has also been a key developer of the Certification Examination for the American and International Boards of Lifestyle Medicine, since the examination’s start in 2017. In addition to receiving MS and MD degrees from the University of Wisconsin, Dr. Waalen holds a degree in Scientific Communication from the University of California, Santa Cruz and has been active as a freelance writer and editor throughout her career for entities such as the CDC and NIH, as well as medical journals, including serving as editor for the JAMA Student Section; news writer for Annals of Internal Medicine; Deputy Editor of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine; and Associate/Statistical Editor for the Nature journal Digital Medicine.
Availability: On-Demand
Cost: Non-Member: $180.00
Student/Resident Member: $140.00
ACPM Subscriber: $140.00
Member: $0.00
Credit Offered:
4 CME Credits

American College of Preventive Medicine
1200 First Street NE, Suite 315 - Washington, DC 20002
202-466-2044  ·

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